- +2348103002289, +447535362138
- info@africaconstructionlaw.org
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To be the global platform for construction law and practice in Africa.
Provide a forum for lawyers, dispute resolution specialists and those that appoint them such as contractors, consultants, employers, parastatals and government authorities to network and discuss matters relating to: (i) the development of construction law and practice; and (ii) the avoidance or resolution of disputes in the construction industry in Africa.
Encourage construction law expertise among legal practitioners in Africa through capacity building and training.
Promote the use of ADR in construction disputes and encourage the development of ADR support services such as claims, delay, quantum, architectural and engineering expert witness work in Africa, through capacity building and training.
Provide thought leadership in the field of construction law by contributing to the development of the law, policy and practices, including dispute avoidance and resolution in the construction industry.
Showcase and promote practitioners involved in construction disputes and practice in Africa.