ACL Training Academy Feedback Questionnaire

Dear Attendee,

We greatly value your feedback and appreciate your time in providing us with your thoughts. Your responses will help us improve our future training sessions. Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire.

1.0 General Information

2.0 Training Content

2.1 How would you rate the overall content of the training? (Scale: 1 - Poor, 5 - Excellent)
2.2 Were the topics covered relevant and informative?

3.0 Training Facilitators

3.1 Were the facilitators knowledgeable about the subject matter?
3.2 How would you rate the content of the modules and delivery of those modules?

4.0 Training Organization

4.1 How would you rate the organization and logistics of the training? (Scale: 1 - Poor, 5 - Excellent)
4.2 Were the training materials (e.g., handouts, slides) clear and helpful?

5.0 Overall Experience

5.1 On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to recommend the ACL Training Academy to others?

6.0 Additional Comments

6.3 Would you like to be notified of a master class?